Can words describe everything?

2 min readMay 22, 2021


Why is it sometimes so hard to put things into words? Why is it that we feel that sometimes words don't express what we actually feel? Does that mean we don't know enough words or that there are things beyond what words can describe?

Lately, I picked up a book that I had left incomplete the last time I started reading it, a book older than me, something my mother got as a prize for one of her academic achievements (during their time they would give books as prizes. Amusing ikr!). Anyways, the book is about words, words and words. It introduces you to a multitude of words and how they came into existence. It explains the roots of the words, how they derive their meaning and how what they mean has changed over time. Everything (right from the word’s etymology to its usage) perspicuously explained.

As you read the book, you start learning hundreds of words. They have actually made it like a workbook and ensure you solve the exercises. I know that it might sound boring but you start enjoying it after a while (I am not kidding). Not only do you start learning words but you also start deducing the meaning of words you didn't know of before, because now you know the roots from which they are derived.

You see sir, I can talk English, I can walk English, I can laugh English, I can run English because English is such a funny language.” And indeed, English is a funny language. There are rules that bind it but then there are exceptions as well. But it truly is a magnificent language and there is nothing that it possibly can’t describe unless you are pure romantic at heart and will come up with something that only the language of hearts can express.

So got get those words! And if you are looking for a resource, Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis is a wonderful book and I am sure you won't regret reading it.

Word Powe Made Easy by Noram Lewis



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